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Radio Caroline  1970’s - Key Dates

29th May  1972

The two former Radio Caroline vessels, MV Mi Amigo and MV Caroline put up for sale. The Caroline is sold for scrap, the Mi Amigo is purchased by Dutch Free Radio Organisation for conversion into a museum

3rd September 1972

Mi Amigo drops anchor off Scheveningen, Holland

29th September 1972

Unidentified test transmissions of continuous music made on 1187kHz (253m)

13th November 1972

Mi Amigo drifts and the aerial mast collapsed. A  temporary aerial was rigged and test transmissions resumed again at the end of the month

1st December 1972

DJs started presenting programmes without identifying either themselves or the station

17th December 1972

Test transmissions moved to a new frequency of 1520kHz (197m)

18th December 1972

Programmes aired under the call sign Radio 199

22nd December 1972

The station starts to identify itself as Radio Caroline

28th December 1972  

The Dutch crew on board the Mi Amigo claimed they had not been paid  since September and decide to bring matters to a head by sabotaging the fuel line to the lighting generators. Crew  abandon the radio ship.

30th December 1972

The Mi Amigo's master, returned shortly after the station had left the air at 3.00am, cut the anchor chain and towed the radio ship to IJmuiden. The Dutch Shipping Inspectorate declared the Mi Amigo to be unseaworthy and issued instructions that she could only leave port after major repair work had been carried out.

13th June 1970

Radio North Sea International (RNI) starts using the call sign Radio Caroline International. The station has joined with Caroline’s founder, Ronan O’Rahilly, to mount a political campaign in support of the Conservative Party in the forthcoming British General Election.

16th June 1970

Prime Minister Harold Wilson personally authorised the use of the most powerful transmitter in Europe -  kept for use in a national emergency - to jam RNI/Radio Caroline’s signal.

18th June 1970

Against all poll predictions the Conservative Party win the British General Election

19th June 1970

RNI dropped the Radio Caroline call sign - its objective of putting the Labour Party out of power had been achieved.

11th June 1970 China complains of Soviet troops crossing into its territory.

17th June 1970 North Vietnamese troops cut the last operating rail line in Cambodia.

19th June 1970 Following the Conservative’s victory in the UK General Election Edward Heath took office as Prime Minister.

28th May 1972

The Duke of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII) died in Paris.

5th September 1972 Eleven Israelis, five guerrillas and a police officer were killed in a 20-hour siege at the Munich Olympic games in West Germany.

7th December 1972 America's last moon mission Apollo 17 was launched from Cape Canaveral.

19th December 1972

Apollo 17 splashed down in the Pacific, ending the Apollo program of manned lunar landings.

29th December 1972

Life magazine ended publication after 1,860 issues since its launch in 1936.

In other  N E W S



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