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Radio City

This fort-based station provided a news service prepared and presented by its DJs.

However, during the ‘merger’ period with Radio Caroline in late 1965 Radio City re-broadcast Caroline Newsbeat each hour.

This was part of the joint working arrangements between the two stations, but was discontinued after December 1965 when the co-operation agreement was terminated.

RNI (Dutch Service)

RNI's Dutch Service obtained its news from a variety of sources. Cassette recorders on board the Mebo II were linked to radios tuned to Hilversum 1, 2, and 3 in Holland, Belgian state radio BRT 1 and 2, the BBC World Service and Deutchlandfunk in West Germany.

The station also maintained a telex link to the United Press news agency and the Dutch daily newspaper Algemeen Dagblad.

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Radio Brod

Radio Brod was established specifically to provide a source of impartial news to the war torn region of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's. The station’s aim was "to broadcast objective news to all residents of the former Yugoslavia and combat the paranoia which is fuelled by suspicion and propaganda as a weapon of war",

News was obtained by journalists working on board the radio ship via foreign press contacts, the AFP and Reuters news agencies and a network of over 40 correspondents based in Geneva, Washington, Paris and in the former Yugoslavia.

Communications to and from the ship by the on-board journalists, both to their contacts in the former Yugoslavia and to other countries was made through an Inmarsat satellite facility, as well as marine telephone, cellular telephone and a direct radio link.

Short news bulletins were broadcast every hour on the hour and there were three major bulletins each day in the morning, afternoon and evening.Two additional news  bulletins were also broadcast each day, one in English and one in French, mainly for the benefit of members of the UN forces serving  in the area.

For more information about this unique offshore station visit Radio Brod in the Rest of the World Gallery on Floor 1

Radio Hauraki

As with most other offshore stations New Zealand's Radio Hauraki unashamedly collected their news by listening to other stations.

Once, Merv Smith was reading the news on (NZBC station) 1ZB  and stopped, saying, "Am I going too fast for you, Lloyd ?" (Lloyd Griffiths was captain of the Tiri and Tiri II. )

Radio Atlantis

After moving from the Radio Caroline ship, Mi Amigo to their own vessel, Janine in early 1974 Radio Atlantis decided to introduce a  news service.

This is the script announcing the impending start of the station’s news service.

Click image to enlarge

Courtesy Hans Knot

Radio England

Perhaps the most theatrical news presentation came from Swinging Radio England's 'Bannerline News'.

The news was gathered in the same way as many other offshore stations – by ‘pirating’ the output of major landbased broadcasters, but the actual presentation style was quite unique.  

The lead story was given a big build-up -"Big news in the world today" - and bulletins consisted of headline announcements, followed by sound effects and the briefest of storylines, before the newsreader launched into the next item following the same format style.

Needless to say this particular presentation technique did not find favour with listeners (or presenters) and was soon modified slightly, but still retained a somewhat over dramatic style.

Radio Atlantis news intro

Radio Atlantis news intro.mp3