© 2014-2021 Offshore Radio Museum
Radio Sutch

Broadcasting Hours
Advertised as
12 noon - 2.00pm and 5.00pm - 11.00pm
(later also 12.15am-2.15am)
but broadcasting hours varied depending on staffing and technical problems
David ‘Screaming Lord’ Sutch and Reg Calvert
Landbased Address
c/o Kings Agency,
7 Denmark Street,
London WC2
Opening Date
27th May 1964
(First confirmed test broadcasts)
Closing Date
** September 1964 (became Radio City)
194m (1542kHz)
(announced as 200m)
One of the towers on Shivering Sands Fort
Rock and roll, rhythm and blues and country and western music
(with late night readings from books such as Fanny Hill and Lady Chatterly’s Lover)