Live Fro
m the North Sea
Ross Records RR210392
The story of Radio Monique, Radio 558, Radio 819 and Radio Caroline during the period November 1987- November 1989 with airchecks and recollections from Monique DJ Walter Simons.
Narrated by Colin Peters (in Dutch).
Compiled and Produced by Walter Simons
Pirate Ra
dio Sixties Jingles
Jumbo Records and Tapes TJLCD001, TJLCAS001
Compilation of jingles used by the offshore radio stations of the 1960s.
Pirate Ra
dio Seventies Jingles
Jumbo Records and Tapes TJLCD002, TJLCAS002
Compilation of jingles used by the offshore radio stations of the 1970s.
Pirate Radi
o Eighties Jingles
Jumbo Records and Tapes TJLCD003 TJLCAS003
Compilation of jingles used by the offshore radio stations of the 1980s.
om Radio Nord
Dandisc CDM01
The history of Radio Nord with airchecks, jingles, commercials and 12 contemporary records from the Radio Nord charts.
Includes a 48 page booklet with the history of the station and original photographs.
Narrated in Swedish.
Radio No
rthsea International
Radio Telstar Records
Highlights from the history of Radio Northsea International between 1970 and 1974. Also covers the activities of the radio ship Mebo II after the closure of RNI.
Produced by Wolfram Bender
The Reco
rd Library has been compiled from the Offshore Radio Museum’s Archive and contemporary sales catalogues. Thanks to Hans Knot and Offshore Echos Magazine for additional information.
If you know of any other titles or catalogue numbers please contact us at:-