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T. V. (Tommy) Shields
The man behind Radio Scotland -on (Tommy) Shields -
As early as 1961, while working as Press Secretary at Scottish Television (STV), Tommy Shields first had the idea of owning a commercial radio station. He was writing a biography of STV’s owner Roy (later Lord) Thomson and discovered during research that the press baron’s empire had been founded on a small commercial radio station in Canada.
After leaving STV Tommy started his own advertising agency -
The result was of course Radio Scotland, and Tommy played a very active ‘hands-
Tommy briefly considered standing for Parliament in the Pollock by-
Despite efforts to persuade the Government not to outlaw the offshore stations and introduce land-
Tommy told the Sun newspaper, "This is the saddest day of my life. I tried everything to keep the station on the air. I even offered the Government a controlling interest. I appealed for a trial licence to broadcast from land and meet any tax demands the Government wanted to impose. I intend to keep our organisation together as much as possible in the hope that sometime in the near future we may have a chance of getting back on the air."
Tommy Shields never realised his dream of owning a land-
A Parliamentary by-
In January 1967 Tommy Shields announced that he intended standing in the by-
Do you have any other memorabilia about Radio Scotland which we could add to this Special Exhibition?
If you do, and you are willing to allow the Museum to use it, please contact
We look forward to hearing from you
The Times, 9th January 1967
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The Times, 17th January 1967
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The Times, 6th February 1967
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Radio News, 24th January 1967
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