© 2014-2022 Offshore Radio Museum
Radio New York International

Al Weiner and Joe Ferraro
International Ship Owners of Yonkers, New York – owned the Sarah
Opening Date
23rd July 1987 (tests)
Planned official start date 1st August 1987 (Never achieved)
15th October 1988 (tests)
Closing Date
27th July 1987 – ship forcibly boarded and seized by US authorities
17th October 1988 –following the issue of a temporary Restraining Order
1620kHz (185m) medium wave (AM)
103.1mHz FM
6240kHz shortwave
190kHz (1579m) longwave
1620kHz (185m)medium wave (AM)
Broadcasting Hours
The station only ever achieved test broadcasts for a few hours at a time
"Free form rock'n' roll - current hits and hits of the 60s, 70s and 80s."
Landbased Address
496 La Guardia Place
Suite 451
New York
NY 10012