© 2014-2022 Offshore Radio Museum
Radio Hauraki - Technical

An old 500 watt US Navy wartime Westinghouse TBL 13 transmitter re-built by Denis O’Callaghan -output after rebuilding approx. 1.75Kw
(transferred to Tiri II after Tiri shipwrecked)
Over 100' (30.4m) of mast was erected, which together with a 30' (9m ) telescopic aerial
(collapsed during a storm 2nd December 1966)
A spare 50' (15.2m) section of the original structure with a 20' (6m) whip aerial
(from 4th December 1966)
A 70'(21.3m) telescopic extension was placed on top of the Tiri's 50'(15.2m) lattice mast
(from January 1967)
Tiri II
160' (48.7m) aerial mast
(February – April 1968 – destroyed during a storm)
50’ (15.2m) aerial mast recovered from Tiri installed
(April 1968, damaged during a storm, June 1968)
130' (39.6m) aerial mast
(installed June 1968)
Two views of the on board studio
Radio Hauraki’s transmitter
QSL Cards
Radio station engineering departments issue QSL cards to verify reception reports received from listeners
Unfortunately our researchers have been unable to find this information
Can you help?
If you have any information that would help fill this gap
please contact us at-
Above: Aerial mast on board Tiri II
Right: Base of aerial mast on Tiri II
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