© 2014-2022 Offshore Radio Museum
Radio Hauraki

Landbased Address
Originally - Swanson Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Colebrook's Building,
93/95 Anzac Avenue, Auckland 1
New Zealand
Mailing address:-
PO Box 2964, (later PO Box 1480), Auckland
New Zealand
1480 kHz (202.5m)
Broadcasting Hours
(December 1966-December 1968)
24 hours
(from December 1968)
(but frequent periods off the air due to weather and technical breakdowns as well as a month off air from 28th January 1968 – 27th February 1968, following the Tiri’s shipwreck)
Pacific Radio Advertising Ltd
David Gapes, (pictured left) Wendy Gapes, Derek Lowe,
Chris Parkinson, Denis O’Callahan (Technical)
Bruce Baskett
(left the project February 1966 before the station went on air)
Opening Date
From Tiri
1st December 1966 (first test transmissions begin at 8.00pm)
4th December 1966 (tests recommence at 9.00am)
4th December 1966 (regular programmes start at 11.00am)
From Tiri II
27th February 1968 (test transmissions on low power begin at 5.00pm
28th February 1968 (Regular programmes start at 7.30am)
Closing Date
28th January 1968 (Tiri shipwrecked)
1st June 1970 (10.00 pm)
( final broadcast from offshore base)
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