© 2014-2023 Offshore Radio Museum
Mebo off Libya - Technical
2 x medium wave (AM) transmitters-
Continental Electronics 10Kw
(ex-Radio Veronica)
RCA BTH 100B 100Kw
2 x Shortwave transmitters -
RCA BHF 10B 10.5kW (used for 31m band shortwave transmissions)
Brown Boveri Corporation 10.5kW (used on 49m band shortwave transmissions)
1 x FM transmitter
Rhode and Schwartz 1.2kW FM
The aerial mast was 170’ (52m) high
The aerial system was modified from the RNI days to allow up to four separate transmitters to run simultaneously without interference to eachother.
AM aerial - vertical Marconi
SW aerials - inverted V
Unfortunately our researchers have been unable to find this information
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QSL Card
Radio station engineering departments issue QSL cards to verify reception reports received from listeners
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Entries from the World Radio and TV Handbook 1978 (top) and 1980 (bottom) showing the frequencies used by SPLABJBC , including those from the former Mebo ships.