© 2014-2021 Offshore Radio Museum
WMR (World Mission Radio)

The Johan Maasbach World Mission Foundation
Opening Date
Test transmissions on various frequencies from 6th September 1987
Regular programming from
1st May 1988
Closing Date
18th August 1989 (12 noon)
Landbased Address
On-air address for listener enquiries:
Box 346,
California, 91719,
Broadcasting Hours
18 hours (with Caroline 558 being relayed for six hours overnight)
Various frequencies (all short wave)were used in test transmissions until 6215kHz was found to be the most suitable.
9940 kHz (6th September 1987 - possibly from a temporary deck antenna)
6220 kHz (24th September 1987)
6205 kHz (24th September 1987)
6220 kHz (28th October 1987)
5955 kHz (29th October 1987)
6210 kHz (22nd February 1988 - suffered interference from Pakistan)
6215 kHz (11th April 1988)
6205 kHz (15th April 1988)
6215 kHz (27th April 1988 onwards)
Ross Revenge (in late 1988)
Sponsored American and Dutch religious programmes