© 2014-2024 Offshore Radio Museum
Landbased Address
Royalty House, Dean Street, London
Advertising sales for the station were handled by Ross Radio Productions Ltd, 23 Upper Wimpole Street,
London W1
Programmes were recorded at Radio Veronica’s landbased studios in Hilversum, Holland
(Commercial Neutral Broadcasting Company)

192m (1562kHz) medium wave (AM)
Opening Date
Test transmissions first took place in
November 1960
Further tests started at 5.00am on
16th February 1961
Closing Date
23rd March 1961
Easy listening, light music
Broadcasting Hours
After some short initial tests (between 5.00-7.00am) programming was between 8.00am - 1.00pm daily
(It was planned that when the station came on the air with regular programmes it would broadcast the following schedule:-
Monday to Friday 6.00am and 12 noon, and 11.00pm -2.00am
Saturday and Sunday 8.00am and 2.00pm and 11.00pm - 2.00am
but the station never continued beyond making test broadcasts)
The Verweij brothers (Jaap, 'Bull' and Dirk)
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Netherlands/Belgium Gallery