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Former Name(s)

Fort Reliance (1986)

Cariboo (1989)


Antartic research/supply ship


197’ (60m)


1296 tons


1986 by Ferguson Alisa Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland

Flag state(s)

St Vincent and Grenadines

Stations Housed

Radio Brod

(7th April 1993 - 28th February 1994 and from 7th March 1994 for a few days)

Ultimate fate

Sold in 1994 and renamed Veesea Pearl (September 1994)

Sold and renamed Pearl (December 2000)

Sold and renamed Karadeniz Powership Remzi Bey

Still in use as an offshore tug/supply ship

Droit de Parole

Droit de Parole Cariboo

Above: Before becoming the Droit de Parole, Cariboo working in the ice of the Antartic

When Radio Brod closed the ship was taken to Marseille where all the broadcasting equipment was removed.

In 1994, the Droit de Parole was sold to Veesea, renamed the Veesea Pearl, and used as a safety standby vessel in the North Sea oil industry.

She was sold in 2000 to Seahorse in Cork, Ireland, renamed the Pearl, and served as a multi purpose vessel.

In 2016 she was sold again to the Karpower Ship Co. (a subsidiary of the Turkish Power company Karadeniz Holding), renamed Karadeniz Powership Remzi Bey and, registered in Liberia, still sails as an offshore tug/supply ship.


Built as a supply ship the Fort Reliance was ice strengthened for Antarctic surveying work and carried fire fighting equipment. In 1989 she was re-named Cariboo.

She was hired for use by Radio Brod from Compagnie Nationale de Navigation (CNN)


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Thanks to Martin van der Ven for allowing us to use some additional information from the Broadcasting Fleet section of the Offshore Radio Guide  in this Gallery

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Above: two views of Droit de Parole  as Karadeniz Powership Remzi Bey