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‘In December 1972 we found out that Mi Amigo had gone back in to Amsterdam after the mutiny so decided to go and see if we could find her.

When we got there we managed to park the car close to the ship but there were a lot of people around which wasn't good . Eventually the police came and moved everyone away and put up a barrier. We sat in the car and waited till it was all quiet, then climbed over the barrier and went up to the ship. We took some photos and got chatting to Andy Archer who invited us on board where we met Tony Allan..Robb Eden and Peter Chicago..

After we left the ship we went to a couple of pubs to see the New Year in then slept in the car near the Mi Amigo The next morning we took some more photos - you see how close we were parked near the ship !’

‘By March 1973 we had been deployed to Northern Ireland - so no more trips to the radio ships !’

Visits to the Ships - 4



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